
Wechsler v. Wechsler Via WhatsApp

 Join the Wechsler v. Wechsler WhatsApp group to see texts from me begging my ex to pay his child support and help his homeless children. You will also hear audio here... Join the Wechsler v. Wechsler WhatsApp group here   Leah (Kleim) Wechsler.

Thank You For Attending Wechsler v. Wechsler.

  I am going to put my full Thank You to every person who was behind me at Wechsler v. Wechsler in this blog post hopefully sometime today along with all of the details and updates that I can and this page wont look the same, but the link will be same...  And that's the point of this temporary post. If not today then right after Shabbos. So... Just come back to this link later  and you can read all about the people who were behind me on Wednesday August 9th in The Supreme Court Of Rockland County New York, along with an update about the horrible situation that me and my kids were intentionally put in by my ex (their own "father') and are still in but hopefully not for long.  And you'll even get to read all about The Uneducated star of the Wechsler v. Wechsler show, that was sitting right in the middle of the courtroom having a conversation with the Judge and rambling off requests like an Esq, and standing out like a blinding light because of the toxic jumpsuit orange...

Taking The D Out Of Dad...

If you received my email or saw my post about raising money to keep a roof over our heads and fight this fight.... Then you understand this post and came here on purpose. For everyone else out there. I am trying to raise the money to keep us going for a night at a time and I just entered into the fight of my life and my opportunity to end this situation, but fighting it all alone isn't possible... It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a village to neglect a child too...  I asked my ex to help his own children again... He read my message, but didn't respond... Supporting his own kids isn't really his thing....  If you would like to contribute, I have PayPal Or Venmo. They both go my email address or phone number. If its more convenient I  also have a one click PayPal donate button here that expires in 17 hours and charges me 3% . Please don't use Zelle, my bank account is a few hundred dollars in the negative because of a "generous" check for $300.00 t...

In Memory of Rivka Devorah Kleim. לעילוי נשמת רבקה דבורה בת תבלחט"א יהודית חנה

  Today Hey Menachem Av is the yortzeit of The Holy Arizal. It is also the yahrzeit of my sister Rivka Devorah, who was born on Yud Shevat. The only other girl in Chabad history who received one very special Brocha from The Lubavitcher Rebbe on Erev Yom Kippur…. Like a father would bench his tuchter… And we were two little yossomim at out baby sisters Levaya… There is a siyum in 770 tonight for my sister. You can watch it on 770live at about 9:30- 9:45 ish. Yesterday (July 22nd ) was my English Birthday, my narishkeit day. Before shabbos I went to Monsey Glatt and evergreen and used credits that I had on my account to buy my kids all the things they love and we dont usually have… cholent, kugel, salad, fresh fruit, challa, but in my ex’s true fashion of wrecking my birthday and any attempts I make for our kids he decided not to bring them back to me from his visitation and take them on a fun packed trip instead, because mommy is bad and dosent do anything for them… So my shabbos bi...

Wechsler v. Wechsler And The Mida Keneged Mida Prep For The After Shabbos Trial.

  If your in a rush to move your mini van or give a quick upshernish just scroll to the bottom to help Mendy and Mushky Wechsler have food and a bed for Shabbos....  This week we read Parshas Pinchas. Pinchas was a really brave man, and he basically saved klal Yisrael (The Jewish Nation) See, there was a bad guy roaming around town causing trouble and machloickes, with his basically, pruste' shiksa girlfriend, I guess, to  put it nicely. So Pinchas killed them both.... Killing a lone little Nebuch mishugina OTD back in the Bible day guy for chillin with a pretty Shiksa chick does seem a little overkill, no pun intended. He could have just left the one lone OTD Bible day Meshugina alone to disscover sex, drugs and Rock N' Roll and soon  enough overdose and die or however nature took its course back then and scared all the little kids into being Tzadikim by telling them the tales of that one lone, Nebuch,  Meshugina who was OTD and ra...

Reverse Mivtzoim In Miami Florida. Those ULY Ocean Parkway Kids Were Always The Proud Ones.

                                                                                                                        My 22-year-old son was walking down Lincoln Road in Miami when he spotted a Lubavitcher doing Mivtzoim , asking the randoms of the day... Excuse me are you Jewish? He could have walked  by the Mivtzoim Man, disguising himself as a Cuban guy named Gay Jose who pretended not to speak English. He could have deployed the whole "Me no speakie English" act flawlessly, complete with a convincing accent right along with his creamy coffee colored tan. He learned that skill from the best. I taught him well. So what did my son do? He continued walking toward the Mivtzoim Man, ini...